Monday 11 August 2008

My photomontage - Life Goes On.

This is the collage for my assignment A2A

The images that I used in my work taken from the stock exchange.

It was built on the theme: haunting, mystical, fairytale-like and strange.

My work is demonstrated in the form of pages of an old book. It helps creating a mystical and classical atmosphere for the work. 

All the elements made up to convey the meaning of the collage - the chronicle of birth and death. Life goes on.

Sunday 3 August 2008

White as a Design Concept.


Is white always the value '#ffffff' we are using, and being conscious of?

Long ago, I used to have a love for white.

Not the white 'color', but the feeling of something actually white is in front of my eyes when looking at a thing/a scene in some little moments of life. And I treasured it - the feeling of whiteness.

Also for a long time, I haven't had any moment to sense this feeling again. I thought this love would never come back until I read a writing about White by Kenya Hara in his book Designing Design. It is simply amazing and profound.

And I sense the whiteness in his every word.

Below is the summary about this writing, some points that I love.

.White is not just a color. White must be called a design concept.

.Of course, colors are beautiful. But professional graphic designers use color with a consciousness of its function, or emotion. If there is no particular reason for them, you will find no extra colors on their design table. They always look at the color of the material itself. From this, they gradually became conscious of white.

.White is not white. The receptivity that senses white is what gives birth to whiteness. So we cannot look for white. We instead need to search for a way of feeling that will sense white. And then we will become aware of white enmeshed in an incredible diversity in the world's many cultures. We will become able to understand words like "tranquility", or "emptiness", and discern the meanings dormant within them. As we turn our attention toward white, the world gathers more light, and shadows deepen in degree.

.White is a color from which color has escaped, but its diversity is boundless. White is a synthesis of all colors and, at the same time the lack of color, achromatic. It is a special one. Color is no more than a single aspect of white.

.White is one of the traditional Japanese color, but a strikingly distinctive one.

.It is something that cannot be realized in an actual world. We may feel as if we have seen or touched white, but this is an illusion.

.White lies on the brim of the image of life, that is, of information, which has soared up out of great chaos. Chaos is like the world and white is like a map, or a figurative representation. Mapping the world, or generating figurative representations, is graphic design.

.White in the real world is categorically soiled. It is delicate and easily damaged. Even at the moment of its birth, it is not a perfect white. It is already soiled to a degree that we cannot even sense it when we touch it.

.Many eggs are also white. Within this white dwells a real life, and when it comes into the world, breaking the shell of the egg, the membrance between that world and this, it is no longer white, but the color of living creature. Could this mean that all animals, born into this world as living entities, have already begun their journey towards chaos?

.White is the original form of life. Kenya Hara sees the original form of his own work as the imaging of white rising to majestic stature from chaotic gray.

All the pictures in this entry is in the cover design series for magazine "A Book", designed by Yoshitaka Mizutani.